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There are six Wave Dash Combat Arts available to Spheromancers: two first-level, two second-level and two third-level arts. You can have only one of each level active at a time.

Verdant Strike[ | ]

Verdant Strike -icon
LVL 1 CP 1 SP 1 DMG Melee EFFECTS Inflicts MarkInflicts Mark Wave Dash

Dash with high speed, damaging and stunning enemies along the way.

Verdant Strike

Lea dashes the same distance as Azure Strike. Enemies on her way take a few hits of damage that increase their Mark status meter.

The same uses for Azure Strike apply to Verdant Strike. The damage takes longer to dish out, interrupting enemies longer, and applies Mark.

Warp Decoy[ | ]

Warp Decoy -icon
LVL 1 CP 1 SP 1 DMG None Wave Dash

Dash away and leave behind a decoy, distracting your foes.

Warp Decoy

Lea dashes a distance of 1.5 normal dashes, leaving behind a decoy of herself lasting 3 seconds. Enemies (and Elven Orb) will target this decoy instead of Lea. The decoy can withstand blocking a few projectiles before vanishing early, but Lea still takes damage from crossfire. Most attacks pass right through it.

As a purely defensive combat art, non-hostile enemies will continue to ignore you. This move assures your escape from attacks, affording a brief window of time to attack with balls, pop a consumable item, or prepare something else uninterrupted.

Verdant Stream[ | ]

Verdant Tide-icon
LVL 2 CP 2 SP 3 DMG Melee EFFECTS Interrupt iconInterrupt Inflicts MarkInflicts Mark Wave Dash

Dash through enemies at high speed and draw them into your trail behind you before causing a powerful explosion.

Verdant Tide

Lea dashes a distance of approximately 5 normal dashes, passing through enemies at high speed. Enemies are drawn into her path of movement, which explodes after a moment, dealing large damage and knocking enemies back. This also increases hit enemies' Mark status meter.

Verdant Stream is an upgrade of Verdant Strike in pretty much all respects, much like Azure Surge is to Azure Strike: more distance, more width, more speed, more damage, more interruption, more Mark.

Toxic Revenant[ | ]

Toxic Revenant -icon
LVL 2 CP 2 SP 3 DMG Ranged EFFECTS Interrupt iconInterrupt Inflicts MarkInflicts Mark Wave Dash

Dash away and leave behind a deadly decoy that distracts and damages your foes.

Toxic Revenant

When using it, Lea dashes a distance of 1.5 normal dashes, leaving behind a decoy of herself lasting 5 seconds. Enemies (and Elven Orb) will target this decoy, and it pulls them slowly toward it. Enemies in range of its wave aura are interrupted with rapid hits that inflict Mark.

Basically an upgrade of Warp Decoy, Toxic Revenant is much more useful because it holds enemies in place while easily applying Mark, boosting its own accuracy and damage and that of other ranged attacks like Elven Orb.

Vortex Tide[ | ]

LVL 3 CP 3 SP 6 DMG Mixed EFFECTS Interrupt iconInterrupt Inflicts MarkInflicts Mark Wave Dash

Charge up by creating a Vortex behind you and blast off leaving behind a huge wave explosion.

Vortex Tide

Time remains slow from charging up, and for ~2 seconds Lea ejects wave particles out in a cone behind her. She starts off moving in the chosen direction, but you can adjust that. Then a huge wave explosion erupts behind her in the spot where she started the art, launching Lea forward a distance around 5 times that of a normal dash, and time resumes.

The stream behind Lea resembles that from a large rocket, providing the sense of an extreme escape move. Indeed, this art is best used in the faces of a crowd of enemies coming at you, Marking them for ranged attacks afterward. Unlike an actual rocket, you can't fly over chasms with this. Vortex Tide reverses its lower versions' primary use, dashing away from rather than toward enemies.

Gungnir[ | ]

LVL 3 CP 3 SP 6 DMG Melee EFFECTS Lock iconLock Inflicts MarkInflicts Mark Wave Dash

Dash through and create 4 decoys that pummel an enemy multiple times ending with a combined wave attack.


Lea dashes a long distance. If she encounters an enemy within a 4-dash range, she strikes it and slides a little further, after which she can act on her own. The struck enemy's actions lock as four decoys of Lea appear in a square and begin dashing through it, damaging and inflicting Mark on contact. The decoys speed up their attacks, eventually concluding with all four attacking at once and generating a wave explosion. Like Final Showdown, other enemies in the path of the decoys' dashes will also be damaged.

As with the lower versions of this art, other enemies target the decoys, throwing them into complete confusion and disarray. Lea can do whatever she pleases as this is going on, combining fantastically with powerful attacks that are otherwise difficult to land. Unlike lower versions, the decoys vanish if you use Gungnir again while it is still active, even if you miss, and it reverses its lower versions' primary use, dashing toward rather than away from enemies.

Other Classes[ | ]

Only one Wave Dash art from other classes has been seen.

Wervyn's Combat Art[ | ]

During the Last Minute Help Needed quest, Wervyn uses a combat art. Although this art is not classified within the game, based on appearance it is most likely a Wave-elemental, level 2, Dash-type Triblader Combat Art.

During this combat art, Wervyn charges forward a long distance with a spinning sword aura around him, and then finishes with a very large spinning sword attack that knocks enemies back.
